International Relations

Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti/FB has taken part in several Erasmus+ projects and mobilities as well as Nordplus programs. The school has qualified staff with several years of experience in EU projects. Our International Coordinator is Mrs. Ágústa Unnur Gunnarsdóttir We got experience in using Learning Agreements for students and the Europass. Also in our team we have the Chief Accountant Ingibjörg Dís Geirsdóttir and accountant Bylgja Birgisdóttir. They have the expertise with financial and administrative documents for European projects and have been working with our international projects finances for several years now.

Erasmus+ grants

Students who are interested to take part of their vocational training in other countries in Europe can do so through Erasmus grants. The school applies for a grant, Erasmus +, for its students and staff every year.

VET Mobility Charter

The Erasmus+ VET Mobility Charter is awarded by the Icelandic Erasmus+ National Agency to Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti/FB for the period from October 1st 2016 to September 30th 2020. It recognizes the operational capacity of the school to manage high quality mobility projects and awards and assist its efforts to achieve greater internationalization in VET through the Erasmus+ Program. The VET Mobility Charter also recognizes the high quality of previous mobility projects, the long-term commitment to continuous improvement of mobility and the strategic approach of the organization to incorporate international mobility in its activities.

About our school

Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðolti/FB was established in 1975 and was the first community college of its kind in Iceland. The college is divided into two schools; a normal day school for pupils who are between the age of 16 and 19 years old and an evening school for adults. The number of students in day school is about 1100 and about 400 in the evening school. The college is one of the largest upper secondary schools in Iceland with a staff of 110 teachers. The pupils who enter the college at the age of 16 have completed 10 years of primary education. Final graduation from our college as well as other such colleges or secondary grammar schools in Iceland has proved sufficient for universities and other institutes of higher learning both in Europe and USA. In addition to preparing pupils for various academic studies at university level, FB offers qualifications in specialized branches of vocational learning, computer, art, nurse assistant, beautician, carpenter, and electrician.

International Relations

Since 1997 our school co-operates with several countries and has taken part in many EU activities and projects within Erasmus+ and Nordplus. We have also taken part in several vocational educational training projects with student and staff exchanges and mobilities. For several years now we have been welcoming groups of students and teachers from all over Europe. In the last two Euroskills‘ national competitions our students have done very well, receiving Gold, Silver and Bronze.

International Policy

As one of Iceland´s biggest vocational colleges we want to prepare our students to become more capable to compete in the international labor market. We want to both support our students and staff to develop themselves in their skills and to give them the opportunity to enhance their internationalization by giving them solid education and by giving them the chance to work and train abroad in a European environment. By taking part in mobility projects we believe students and staff will grow personally and professionally.

Head of International Relations

Ágústa Unnur Gunnarsdóttir
Phone: +354 8691861

Journalists without borders

FB tekur þátt í þriggja ára samstarfsverkefni 5 landa um ýmis málefni sem brenna á fólki, s.s. umhverfismál, orkumál, fæðuöryggi, flóttamannavandann og velferð og félagslegt öryggi. 16 nemendur frá hverju samstarfslandanna, Frakklandi, Þýskalandi, Spáni, Grikklandi og Íslandi fara í hlutverk fréttamanna og spyrja sérfræðinga spjörunum úr, skrifa skýrslur, ljósmynda og taka upp.

Sérhver nemendi heimsækir eitt samstarfsland í 10 daga, býr heima hjá fjölskyldu nemanda sem tekur þátt í verkefninu, kynnist erlendum jafnöldrum, mikilvægum málefnum, lífi og menningu gestalandsins. Það eru listnámskennararnir Guðrún Halldóra og Guðrún Gröndal sem stýra verkefninu fyrir hönd FB.

Hér má kynna sér verkefnið nánar

Nordplus trip to Estonia

Sigríður Ólafsdóttir, Soffía Margrét Magnúsdóttir fata- og textílkennarar
Anna Sigríður Ólafsdóttir kvöldskóla

Helstu verkefni

Erasmus +

  • 2014 – Nám og þjálfun innan starfsmenntunar – Danmörk, Belgía, Noregur, Eistland
  • 2015 – Nám og þjáflun innan starfsmenntunar – Danmörk, Eistland, Finnland, Spánn

  • 2016 – Nám og þjálfun innan starfsmenntunar – Danmörk, Eistland, Finnland, Spánn

  • 2014 – 2016 – Norrænar frumkvöðlabúðir í samvinnu við Danmörku, Noreg og Finnland

  • 2016 – 2018 – Crossroads With The Future

  • 2016 – 2018 – Reporters Without Frontiers

  • 2016 Teachers on the move
  • 2017 – European Tolerance: Future of Refugees

  • 2016 – 2020 Erasmus+ VET Mobility Charter


  • 2016  –Adult education and Fashion and Textile – samstarf við Pärnu í  Eistlandi

  • 2013-2014 -Samstarfsverkefni líffræði og dönsku og Fredericia Gymnasium.
  • 2012-2014 – Creare – lets make art together.
    Listnámsbraut í samvinnu við Eistland og Noreg.

  • 2011-2012 – Auðlindir og rætur.
    Samstarfsverkefni FB og Stúdentaskúlinn í Kambsdal í Færeyjum.

  • 2008 -2009 Danska og sagnfræði og Fredericia Gymnasium.

  • 2008 –2009 Danska og umhverfisfræði og Fredericia Gymnsium.

Leonardo / Comenius

  • 2012 – 2014 Dwindling resources
  • 2010 – 2012 Common roots – alþjóðaverkefni
  • 2008-2010 Let´s meet through the art
  • Samstarfsverkefni listnámsbrautar, Frakklands, Grikklands, Portúgals.
  • 2013-2015 Starfsþjálfun verknámsbrauta.
  • Samstarf við Belgíu, Eistland og Noreg.
  • 2009-2011 Rafvirkjabraut og húsasmíðabraut.
  • Samstarf milli Íslands, Belgíu og Danmerkur.
  • 2008 -2009 XChange – kennaraskipti.
  • Samstarf milli FB, Danmerkur, Portúgals.